Aka Nellie Tembe

A Deadly Connection| Four Ironic Similarities Surrounding AKA And Nelli Tembe’s Deaths

Following the NPA’s decision to re-investigate Anele “Nelli” Tembe’s mysterious death, the tumultuous and tragic relationship between AKA – real name Kiernan Forbes and the former has been revisited by social media users.

According to The South African, amid the announcement, Twitter sleuths are running wild with commentary with conspiracy theories on the circumstances leading to their deaths.

The late rapper was shot and killed outside a restaurant on Durban’s Florida road in February this year.

AKA’s death comes almost two years after Nelli allegedly committed suicide by falling off the balcony of a Cape Town hotel in April 2021.

It was a dark moment for the late AKA who also admitted to being in a “toxic” relationship with Tembe following her death. Further allegations were that the rapper physically and mentally abused the 22-year-old.

Strange Similarities Between AKA And Nellie Tembe’s Deaths

Both died on the street

According to police reports, 22-year-old Nelli Tembe fell to her death on 11 April from her Pepper Club Hotel balcony, located on the corners of Loop and Bloem Street, in the Cape Town city center.

In February this year, AKA was shot and killed outside Wish Restaurant on Florida Road, in Durban.

Mysterious situations

According to police, two men walked up to AKA and his friend Tebello Tibz Motsoane and shot them dead. The men then fled the scene.

According to City Press, while Nelli Tembe’s death was labelled a “suicide investigation” by the NPA, the latter also added that it had “elements of suspicion of a murder.”

She died in his hometown, and he died in hers

Nelli died in Cape Town, where AKA is originally from, while he died in Durban, where she was born and raised.

The devil’s in the details?

Nelli died on 11 April 2021, while AKA died almost 22 months later to the day. Nelli was also 22 years old when she died.


By jdt