Costa Titch and his momCosta Titch and his mother-Image Source(Instagram)

Costa Titch’s Mother Demand Delayed Toxicology Tests Results Hinting The Singer Was Poisoned

Costa Titch, a popular South African star, tragically passed away while performing on stage in March. The audience witnessed him falling twice, and speculation arose that the combination of lightning effects and smoke on the stage may have contributed to his untimely demise.

A month after Costa’s death, his mother took over his Instagram account and made a shocking statement. She suggested that her son might have been murdered, leading to an outpouring of concern and disbelief from fans and the public.

Also Read: Costa Titch Fans Demand Answers After Mother Promises to Unravel Cause of Death

Costa Titch and his mom
Costa Titch and mother-Image Source(Instagram)

Costa Titch’s mother reveals Delay in Test Results

Returning to Instagram on May 23rd, Costa’s mother expressed her frustration regarding the delayed release of her son’s toxicology test results. She criticized the National Health Laboratory Services for the lengthy process, which she claimed could take months or even years.

Also Read: Shocking Revelation| Psychic Kandis Starr Claims Costa Titch’s Death Was No Accident

In her post, Costa’s mother emphasized the significance of the toxicology test results for the ongoing investigation. Without these crucial medical findings, the police are unable to make any progress in determining the cause of her son’s death. She pleaded for assistance in expediting the release of the test results, highlighting the potential consequences if someone had deliberately poisoned her son.

Implications for Other Families

Costa Titch dies-Image Source(Instagram)
Costa Titch dies-Image Source(Instagram)

Costa’s mother also highlighted the broader issue affecting numerous mothers in South Africa who are awaiting answers about their own children’s deaths. The lengthy delays in the toxicology testing process not only hinder justice for Costa but also jeopardize other families seeking closure and accountability.

Also Read: Costa Titch’s Family Holds Private Funeral, Releases Details for Memorial

A Call for Urgent Action

The mother’s impassioned plea for help resonated with Costa’s fans and concerned individuals alike. The delayed toxicology test results have left many questions unanswered, hindering the investigation and potentially allowing perpetrators to escape punishment. The urgency of the situation demands immediate attention from the National Health Laboratory Services to expedite the release of the test results.

Supporting the Investigation

The community, along with the police, stands ready to provide support and cooperation once the necessary medical evidence becomes available. The conclusive toxicology test results will not only shed light on Costa Titch’s tragic demise but also serve as a catalyst for justice and closure.

By Letho