Dineo Ranaka diagnosisDineo Ranaka (IMage: Dineo Ranaka/Instagram)

Dineo Ranaka ‘s Emotional Return: Unveils Shocking Diagnosis that Rocked Her World

Radio personality Dineo Ranaka has resurfaced on social media after a brief hiatus, following her heartbreaking confession about her battle with suicidal thoughts.

During this period, she decided to take a break from both social media and her radio hosting duties.

In a long-awaited return to Instagram this past Friday, Ranaka graciously expressed her gratitude to all those who had showered her with well-wishes for a swift recovery, offering comforting words via text messages and making heartfelt calls to check up on her.

Dineo Ranaka Shares Her Diagnosis


In addition to expressing her gratitude, Dineo Ranaka also took this opportunity to share the diagnosis she had received. She revealed that she had been diagnosed with Severe Chronic Depression, shedding light on the underlying cause of her emotional turmoil.

Ranaka boldly stated that she is no longer in a state of being suicidal. She emphasized the importance of believing in her own resilience and strength in order to overcome such dark thoughts.

Dineo Ranaka’s Full Statement

Please find her complete statement below:

For the calls, the texts, the prayers, the well wishes… THANK YOU!

I’ve recently been diagnosed with Severe Chronic Depression… I feel like I need to allow myself to re-introduce myself to MYSELF because I’ve been a high functioning person with depression. And this is dangerous! VERY DANGEROUS!

I’ve been physically sick. REALLY physically sick. I’ve suspected myself to not be well for a bit over two months now. And eventually, I know why!

What a relief!! My symptoms have been in-sleep seizures, trouble waking up, trouble controlling my bladder, confusion, thoughts of harming myself, trouble with energy to do anything, and meaningful deep empathy/sympathy with those that have taken their lives.

At the end of it all… I am here now. Trying to learn how to move forward without thinking I’m a fraud.

It’s really hard on me. And if you knew half of the judgement I’m dealing with, you would probably want to have yourself admitted and never discharged! But I HAVE FAITH IN ME. I BELIEVE IN ME!! I will be cured! Depression is curable.

The biggest question is: is Dineo suicidal?

The answer WAS yes but is now NO! It is NO because to break the curse I have to believe and say that I’m NOT!!!

Does Dineo empathise with those that have committed suicide? The answer is YES. Because the ultimate symptom of depression is suicide so I get it now.

Have I thought of taking my own life? The answer is yes. But I reverse the curse by declaring I AM NOT SUICIDAL!

If at all you relate… I have faith in you. I believe in you. I hope you believe in yourself too. I hope you are willing to do the work to be ok.

Mental health is so insanely misunderstood because depression is not the absence of happiness so essentially, it is not sadness.

It is the absence of VITALITY. Vitality being the zest to live!

Generally I don’t like long captions but I didn’t have the energy to shoot a video for you either.

I’m taking time to myself to sort out the messes in different areas of my life. But hey, I’m doing it none the less.

A day at a time right 🕯️🤍😊

By Tayana