Emtee has threatened legal action against a Johannesburg restaurant for throwing him out because he was “smelling of weed”.
Emtee Kicked Out Of A Restaurant For “Smelling Of Weed”
The rapper decried on social media how he experienced racism at the Park Town restaurant in Johannesburg on Monday. Emtee took his crew for a meal. As they sat, one of the white staffers in the restaurant chucked them out, alleging they were smelling of “weed.” He also threw them out because they had many tattoos.
The rapper expressed anger online:
“In 2024, we are still facing racism, discrimination and violation. The whole world’s gonna know about this.”
ALSO READ: Emtee Survives Another Car Accident Amidst Clashing Narratives
Rapper Sends His Lawyer

Emtee’s lawyer, P Motsamai of Morolong Inc., wrote to the restaurant, breathing fire:
“On Monday, 11 March 2024, his official driver dropped him and his friends off at Mike’s Kitchen, where they intended to have dinner before going to the studio. They were, however, unable to enter the eatery, as they were denied entry, ostensibly because they were “smelling of weed” and “had too many tattoos.” They were further escorted out of the premises into the streets where they stood stranded, their driver having now left.”
The lawyer further complained over the racial attack Emtee endured:
“This was an act of harassment and racial profiling that resulted in huge humiliation for them and severely damaged the client’s image and reputation both as a renowned artist and member of society, particularly because it happened in the full view of patrons, some of whom are his fans and supporters.
“Client has now instructed us to direct the correspondence to yourselves as owners of Mike’s Kitchen, demanding an unreserved, public apology to him and his friends for this incident. Should such a public apology not be made by close of business on Wednesday, 13 March 2024, we hold instruction to summarily proceed with legal action on this matter.”