Babalwa McacisoBabalwa Mcaciso-Image Source@X
Social media influencer and entrepreneur Babalwa Mcaciso, known for her large online following and multiple business ventures, has recently come under fire after she refuses to pay for services. Several service providers, including make-up artists and hairstylists, have accused her of failing to fulfil monetary payments after hiring them for their work. Instead, she allegedly offers social media ‘tags’ as compensation.
A make-up artist publicly shared his frustration with Mcaciso after doing her make-up for the high-profile wedding of Somizi Mhlongo and Mohale Motaung. According to the artist, instead of receiving monetary compensation for his services, Mcaciso rewarded him with banana bread.

Similarly, a hairstylist claimed that Mcaciso offered to compensate her through a ‘trade exchange’ on social media after completing the service. This type of arrangement, which was not previously agreed upon, left the service provider feeling cheated.

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Service Providers Speak Out

Babalwa Mcaciso
Babalwa Mcaciso-Image Source@X

A make-up artist based in Cape Town, who requested anonymity, opened up to ZiMoja about her frustrating experiences with Mcaciso. She expressed concerns about speaking out due to the fear of being blacklisted by influencers and celebrities. According to her account, Mcaciso frequently avoids paying service providers. She explained,

“Babalwa expects you to provide hair and make-up services for free. While she does have a large following, there should be clear terms agreed upon beforehand.”

The artist continued,

“I provided my rates to her, and she initially agreed to them. However, when it came time to pay, she insisted she would ‘tag’ me on social media instead. Unfortunately, I can’t pay my rent with a social media mention. I’ve moved beyond the stage of needing exposure – I want actual bookings.”

Despite hearing similar complaints from other service providers, this artist initially gave Mcaciso the benefit of the doubt. “I had heard several negative stories about her practices, but I chose to ignore them and give her a chance. Now, I regret that decision,” she added.

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Attempts to Reach Mcaciso

At the time of publication, efforts to get a comment from Babalwa Mcaciso regarding these accusations were unsuccessful. Her silence on the matter has only fueled more frustration among those who have worked with her, as more service providers have come forward with similar complaints.

By Letho

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