Explosive BBC Documentary Exposes TB Joshua's Terrifying Dark Occult RitualsExplosive BBC Documentary Exposes TB Joshua's Terrifying Dark Occult Rituals (Image Credit: Facebook)

Unveiling Dark Rituals: The Man Behind TB Joshua’s Occultic Practices Exposes Terrifying Secrets

The man who assisted the late prophet TB Joshua with rituals on the prayer mountain has exposed his dark occultic rituals in the BBC documentary.

The bombshell investigative BBC documentary titled “The Cult of TB Joshua” has uncovered shocking and damning revelations about the late Nigerian religious leader, TB Joshua, and his involvement in mass-scale s_exual crimes.

The leader and founder of The Synagogue Church of All Nations, TB Joshua is accused of systematically abusing and raping young girls within his congregation.

The documentary features testimonies from survivors who shed light on the manipulative tactics, occultic dark rituals and terrifying abuse perpetrated by TB Joshua.

Also Read: Explosive BBC Documentary Exposes TB Joshua’s S_exual Crimes, Reveals How He Handpicked His Victims & Used His Disciples to Recruit Young Girls For Him to Rape

BBC Documentary Exposes TB Joshua’s Dark Occultic Rituals

The man aided TB Joshua with rituals has exposed all the dark rituals the late prophet used to perform on the prayer mountain when he was alive.  Speaking anonymously, the informant disclosed that TB Joshua had a prayer room on the mountain that had several pictures of the disciples. He revealed that TB Joshua would perform chants around the pictures and would put a knife on their faces.

Explosive BBC Documentary Exposes TB Joshua's Terrifying Dark Occult Rituals
Explosive BBC Documentary Exposes TB Joshua’s Terrifying Dark Occult Rituals

Moreover, another victim and former disciple,  who was used by the late prophet to recruit young virgins for TB Joshua to sleep with, recounted some of the rituals he used to perform after raping the young girls. She revealed that TB Joshua would rape the young virgins, and after the deed, he would then take the bloody sheets to the prayer mountain.

The purpose behind TB Joshua having pictures of his victim disciples on the prayer mountain and taking the soiled sheets after sleeping with virgins remains unclear. However, there are beliefs that these actions were intended to ‘zombify’ the victims, entrapping them in his control.

He stands accused of spiritually manipulating his victims, preventing them from leaving despite the abuses they endured.

Previous Accusations and Shocking Revelations

Moreover, this isn’t the initial accusation of occultism or engagement in dark rituals against TB Joshua. In 2021, Evangelist Bisola Hephzi-Bah Johnson, a former assistant to the late T.B. Joshua, made a startling revelation about the televangelist. Johnson claimed that TB Joshua slept with several virgins attending his church for rituals.

By audrey