Zoleka Mandela Blood ClotsZoleka Mandela (Image: IOL)

Health Update: Zoleka Mandela Discovers Blood Clots in Lung

Zoleka Mandela, the grandchild of the iconic Nelson Mandela, is dealing with another health setback in her ongoing fight against cancer.

Zoleka Mandela Health Update: CT Scan Reveals Blood Clots and Lung Fibrosis

She recently shared an update on her health, revealing that a CT scan she had a few weeks ago delivered some troubling news – she has blood clots and fibrosis in her lung. Thankfully, her medical oncologist has prescribed medication that should bring her relief soon.

Zoleka opened up about her recent health struggles on social media, explaining,

“I had a CT scan administered a few weeks back, which has shown that I have blood clots as well as fibrosis in my lung. This explains the chest pains I had been feeling. My medical oncologist has recommended blood thinners and oral chemo.”

Despite the challenges she’s facing, Zoleka remains hopeful, saying,

“On the upside, I’m incredibly grateful that I am still treatable.”

Remaining Hopeful Amidst Challenges

Zoleka’s recent hospitalization lasted for eight nights, during which she had to receive Neupogen injections to boost her white blood cell count. Maintaining a healthy white blood cell count is crucial when undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, as they can lower cell levels. When she was discharged, she asked for continued prayers from her loved ones.

Zoleka acknowledges that this phase of her journey is tough and requires strength and support. She revealed that she collapsed at home on a Saturday morning after doctors discovered another tumour in her brain, making her situation even more challenging. She emphasized the importance of honesty about her journey for the benefit of the cancer community.

“This is a very hard one for me. On Saturday morning, I collapsed at home due to another tumour found in my brain. Things are not looking good for me at all and it’s important for me to continue to be honest about my journey as I vowed I would for the betterment of the cancer community,” she said.

Zoleka asked for continued prayers, not just for herself but for her family and support system, including her children, whom she called “the very best of me, my lifeline, and anchor.”

As she seeks comfort, peace, and acceptance in this difficult time, Zoleka expresses her gratitude for the people who have been there for her and for the strength she draws from their support.

By Tayana