Leon "Schuks" Schuster Slams Troll behind Latest Death HoaxLeon "Schuks" Schuster Slams Troll behind Latest Death Hoax (Image Credit: Facebook)

Leon Schuster Faces Another Death Hoax, Denounces Rumors

Renowned South African actor and comedian Leon Schuster has once again become the target of a death hoax, prompting him to speak out and express his anger towards the individual responsible.

Schuster, who is currently recovering from two back surgeries and preparing for a third following an injury on the set of “Mr Bones 3,” took to Facebook over the weekend to address the latest rumour of his demise. This marks the sixth time the actor has been falsely reported dead.

Also Read: Leon Schuster Slowly Losing Hope As His Health Deteriorates After His Second Surgery

Targeted Again: Leon Schuster Confronts Latest Death Hoax

The recent death hoax circulated widely, alleging the passing of the talented actor.

Actor Leon Schuster Slams and Threatens Troll Behind Latest Death Hoax
Actor Leon Schuster Slams Troll Behind Latest Death Hoax (Image Credit: Facebook)


In response, Schuster took to Facebook to address the situation, sharing his frustration.

In an Afrikaans post, he exclaimed,

I hear I’m dead again. What crazy person posts stuff like this?”

Expressing his anger, Schuster further stated,

I will kick him there so that he will never be able to have children again. It’s not nice when your people call you and say, ‘I’m so happy to hear your voice.'”

Also Read: Mr Bones Actor Leon “Schuks” Schuster Hospitalized 

Resilience Amidst Rumors: Leon Schuster Finds Strength in True Friends and Supporters

Acknowledging the support he has received from true friends and well-wishers, Schuster added,

Luckily, a cat has nine lives, so at least I have three left! Thank you for your inquiries and your concern and love – these are TRUE friends.”

A History of Hoaxes: Leon Schuster’s Previous Encounters with False Death Reports

Meanwhile, this is not the first occasion in which Leon Schuster has had to debunk rumours of his demise. In 2012 and 2014, false reports were widely spread through the Blackberry messenger service (BBM). In 2017, a similar message claiming Schuster’s death in a car accident rapidly circulated on WhatsApp. In 2021, the actor had to once again dispel the tragic news of his passing.

Expressing the emotional toll such hoaxes take, Schuster shared,

Can you imagine how your heart would feel if they said it to you? It’s not a nice thing to hear. The word ‘death’ doesn’t sit well with me. It’s a blatant infringement of a person’s humanity; I also have a heart and soul, and I also get flippen hurt.”


By audrey