DJ ZinhleDJ Zinhle's store closes-Image Source@X

DJ Zinhle has taken to social media platforms to apologize for the comments that she made that the South African youth are unemployable. The interview she had where she spoke about being an employer recently and trying to employ the youth.

In a recently released video, renowned DJ Zinhle has responded to the backlash stemming from her earlier remarks concerning the employability of South African youth. The backlash that she has faced on social media over the trending video has led to people calling for her to be cancelled.

DJ Zinhle Gives A Sincere Apology for Calling Youth Unemployable

Starting with a heartfelt apology, DJ Zinhle expressed regret for any harm her words may have caused. She emphasized her humility and her understanding that her comments were misunderstood.

DJ Zinhle clarified that her intention was not to blame or offend the youth. She highlighted her belief in the potential of small businesses to tackle unemployment and stressed her desire for the youth to be well-prepared and qualified for job opportunities.In the video, the DJ struggled to explain what she made with the fear of offending people further. She went on to state that she was not undermining the young people and called on the government to empower businesses so that they can train the youth so that they can be ready for the workplace.

Watch the video below: 

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Reflection and Learning

Reflecting on her choice of words, DJ Zinhle acknowledged that a better term than ‘unemployable’ could have been used. She expressed her openness to learning and growing from this experience.

She concluded her message with a sincere apology and a commitment to encouraging constructive discussions on the issue of youth employment.


By Letho