Indonesian Man Fids Out Wife Is Actually a Man 12 Days After WeddingIndonesian Man Finds Out Wife Is Actually a Man 12 Days After Wedding (Image Credit: GistLover)

Indonesian Man Finds Out Wife Is Actually a Man 12 Days After Wedding

In a shocking turn of events, a man identified as AK from Indonesia discovered that his wife, whom he had married twelve days earlier, was actually a man.

The revelation has left AK, 26, appalled and has led to the arrest of his spouse, Adinda Kanza, also 26, who has been charged with fraud.

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Bride Maintained Disguise During Relationship and Ceremony

According to The Sun, the couple first met on Instagram in 2023 and dated for a year before deciding to marry. Throughout their courtship, Adinda always wore a Muslim niqab, covering her face during in-person meetings, which led AK to believe that she was a devoted Muslim.

They tied the knot in a small ceremony at AK’s home on April 12, 2024, after Adinda reportedly disowned her family.

Groom Grows Suspicious After Wedding, Investigates

AK’s suspicions began shortly after the wedding when Adinda continuously avoided intimacy and consummating their marriage.

Additionally, she refused to speak with AK’s family and remained in a niqab at all times, even at home. These peculiar behaviors prompted AK to investigate further.

Bride Revealed to Be a Man Seeking to Defraud Groom

Tracing Adinda’s former address, AK discovered that her parents were still alive and was informed by them that Adinda was actually a man named ESH, who had begun cross-dressing in 2020. The parents were shocked to learn about the marriage and were unaware of their son’s relationship.

According to the police, ESH not only dressed as a woman but also had a female-sounding voice, which made it difficult for anyone to suspect his true identity.

If you look at their wedding photos, Adinda looks exactly like a real woman.

“He also has a gentle voice and tone, so there was no suspicion at all about him being a man,” a police spokesperson stated.

ESH has admitted to authorities that his intention in marrying AK was to steal the groom’s family wealth. He is now in police custody and faces fraud charges that could result in a prison sentence of up to four years.


By audrey