Cyan Boujee exposed for fake car purchaseCyan Boujee-Image Source@X

In a shocking turn of events, controversial socialite Cyan Boujee has been exposed for a fake car purchase she made this past week.

The influencer took to social media to show off a new Range Rover she had allegedly purchased. This was in the middle of all the hate she had been getting on the internet, with people calling her broke and her manager sharing her private business online.

In the video and pictures, Cyan Boujee shared online that she was at a car dealership called iCar Gezina, which sells and rents cars. In the video, she showed herself being presented with the car after allegedly buying it and then driving away with her vehicle.

Fake Car purchases exposed

A social media user named Lady Londie shared WhatsApp chats with the car dealership where Cyan allegedly bought her Range Rover. She told the dealership that she wanted to rent the Range Rover, and the dealership revealed that the car was still available.

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Cyan Boujee fake car
Cyan Boujee fake car purchase-Image Source@X

Lady Londie then shared the conversation screenshot on her account that, in turn, went viral. Many people were shocked.

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Reactions from people on social media

Social media users have shown mixed reactions to the allegations after the screenshots were posted. Some still believed she bought the car, while some accused the socialite of faking her life. Below are some of the comments on X:


Y’all hate Cyan for no reason! Someone shared the same car at the same car dealership it was “for sale”. And There’s more than one Velar in SA, and that screenshot proves nothing


Well, at least she’s flexing in style, even if it’s just for a rental!


She’s renting but still driving, let her be.

By Letho