Lillian Dube To Act On Emzini Wezinsizwa Remake Coming In Next Months On Moja Love

Lillian Dube To Act On Emzini Wezinsizwa Remake Coming In Next Months On Moja Love
The Late Joe Mafela (Left) and Lillian Dube To Act On Emzini Wezinsizwa Remake Coming In Next Months On Moja Love

Moja Love has started shooting for Emzini Wezinsizwa-esque show that is set to star Lillian Dube and veteran comedian Jerry Phele who played Mofokeng on the original SABC1 sitcom.

The television channel has changed the name of the show to Emzini Wabadala.

The original series that the show is set to mimic is an all-time situational comedy film that gained popularity in 1980s through SABC1.

It was focused on five adult males who needed to earn a living while staying together at a male hostel in Johannesburg.

The new show on the other hand will feature the only remaining member of the original team, Jerry Phele.

According to recent developments, the show producers want to intruduce a matriarch into the show.

Sources say Lillian Dube is set to play the role of a matriarch who takes care of people at an old age home.

As the name of the show says, the new format of the show is centred around an old age home, whereas the original show took place at a hostel and only had male actors.

Speaking about when the show will start airing to the public, a source revealed that in the production is almost complete for the first episodes of the show and the public should be ready to view their favourite Emzini Wezinsizwa remake in no time.

“She’s been shooting since production began a few months ago. It’s scheduled to start airing in the coming months.

The show is going to give a refreshing take on how people are treated in old-age homes,” the source claimed.

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