Makhadzi Fails To PayMakhadzi (Image: Makhadzi/Instagram)

Another Week, Another Accusation: Makhadzi Fails to Pay Stylist For Video Shoot

Non-payment is fast becoming award-winning songstress Makhadzi’s middle name.

Almost on a weekly basis, someone steps forward, accusing the popular artist of neglecting to compensate them for their services.

Some of the amounts she’s been accused of not paying are truly embarrassing, especially considering her status.

Makhadzi Fails To Pay Stylist


Recently, a stylist from Johannesburg shed light on the exploitative side of the entertainment industry. She revealed that Makhadzi allegedly failed to pay her R2,700 for styling.

In an interview with Sunday World, the stylist named Zoe explained that she was introduced to Makhadzi by her videographer, Zee. Zee, who directed a music video shoot, pleaded for a discounted rate so that Zoe could style Makhadzi. Eventually, they settled on R2,300, reduced from Zoe’s usual fee of R5,000 per day. Zoe even threw in an extra day for free in March. However, despite her efforts, she still hasn’t received any payment.

Zoe, a new mother from Kwa-Thema, had to cut short her maternity leave to attend to Makhadzi. She was promised payment in April, and Makhadzi even asked for a two-piece outfit from Zoe’s collection, promising to pay for it that same weekend.

Yet, the payment never arrived. It wasn’t until two weeks ago, when Zoe decided to expose Makhadzi with the help of a friend, that the payment finally came through.

Songstress Pleads For More Time


Makhadzi reached out, pleading with Zoe not to expose her. Zoe informed her that she intended to go public with the issue. Makhadzi, seemingly worried about her reputation, asked why Zoe hadn’t raised the matter directly with her. Zoe explained that she had worked through Zee and wanted to discuss it with him.

In the end, Makhadzi promised to send the money after her trip to Durban in July. However, the payment never materialized.

Subsequently, Makhadzi’s manager contacted Zoe and requested an invoice. Despite Zoe’s repeated requests for the email address to send the invoice, she received no response.

Neither Makhadzi nor her new manager, Lucky, were available for comment, as their phones went unanswered. Makhadzi also chose not to reply to the text messages sent to her.

Ironically, Makhadzi made headlines a few months ago when she criticized her former record label, Open Mic, for owing her money.

By Tayana