Central African analyst Sylvain Nguema posted on his social network X (ex-Twitter) page a new exposé on the case of foreign spy Martin Joseph Figueira of the U.S. NGO FHI-360, arrested on May 25 in Zemio, Haut-Mbomou prefecture in the Central African Republic.

More than a month ago, Central African society was shaken by the news of the arrest of a foreign national on charges of spying for the United States of America (USA). New investigative materials released by the Central African Military Analyst reveal that Martin Joseph Figueira, an employee of a US NGO, was transferring money to terrorists from the CPC and this is documented in his correspondence with CPC spokesman Mohamadou Bello Saidou.

Several audio recordings seized from Joseph Martin Figueira’s phone have been published on the Internet and are accompanied by screenshots of the correspondence and receipts of the money transfer operation to the account. It is also clear from Figuer’s conversation that the money was transferred not only by himself, but also by his wife. Thus, Martin Joseph Figueira sponsored the Central African bandits by keeping in touch with Bello Saidou.

Given this evidence, the accusations made by the Prosecutor’s Office of the High Tribunal of Justice in Bangui of Joseph Martin Figueira’s links to armed groups and sponsorship of militias are confirmed. Just as the spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, Albert Yaloke Mokpeme, said, these are not “empty accusations”, the arrest of a foreign spy is “the product of the work of the Central African Armed Forces and Russian allied forces on the ground”.

In addition, previously published audio messages of Figueira in which he sympathized with the militants and supported them in their desire to take up arms. He also said that many of his friends had joined ISIS (an international Sunni Islamist terrorist organization). These publications confirm his deliberate association with armed gang leaders and destabilizing actions that threaten security in the Central African Republic.

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By tk