MK Party to sit down with ANCMK Party's Jacob Zuma and ANC's Ramaphosa-Image Source@X

After news broke out that the MK Party had ignored the ANC’s calls for coalition talks besides other parties welcoming them, the MK Party has shared that they are open to discussions of coalition with the ANC.

Recently, speculation arose regarding the MK Party’s refusal to engage in discussions with the ANC amidst other political groups showing interest. Contrary to these rumours, the MK Party has now expressed its openness to coalition negotiations with the ANC.

MK Party Releases Statement On Potential Coalition

In a recent statement, the MK Party clarified its stance, indicating a willingness to engage in dialogue with the ANC to explore the possibility of forming a coalition between the two parties.

In the forthcoming meeting, the MK Party plans to listen to the ANC’s perspectives while ensuring that the priorities of South Africa’s black majority are upheld.

ALSO READ: Heartbreaking News: Two MK Party Members Shot Dead Within 24 Hours

MK Party statement
MK Party to sit down with ANC-Image Source@X

The MK Party remains dedicated to addressing the pressing issues faced by the impoverished, unemployed, homeless, and landless segments of the black community. They are committed to opposing the influence of white monopoly capital and insist that any coalition formed must work towards dismantling the existing systems that contribute to political and economic oppression.

ALSO READ: Jacob Zuma’s MK Party Blue-Ticks ANC Coalition Talks While Asking For A Recount

Recent Election Drama Between The MK Party And The ANC

When the MK Party was introduced, the ANC sued them over the use of the party name claiming it was theirs. They claimed it was a branch of their party formed by the Mandelas. They also took the MK Party to court, claiming that Former president Jacob Zuma could not run for the elections. The MK Party, however, won both cases, and they contested the presidential elections with their chosen leader.

By Letho