Mohale Fangirls Over Bonang… Maybe A Bit Too Soon?

When it rains, it pours, or is it too soon to speculate? Mohale who came to the spotlight for being Somizi’s husband went from being adored by fans to being frowned upon by many for reasons that are yet to be ‘verified’. It all started a few months ago when rumors swirled all over social media of the couple separating.

So how did this downward spiral transform into a hate train? It all started with Mohale’s subpar efforts on Somizi’s birthday. Somizi received both cake and flowers from Mohale and his best friend Vusi Nova – but Twitter on the other hand could not help but compare the two. With a vast majority of tweeps being of the opinion that Mohale’s cake came across as shallow and gave off gold-digger vibes.

Let’s take a walk down memory lane, shall we? Check out the pics below of the viral tweets…

And to make matters worse… it’s been less than a week since Somizi unfollowed Mohale on Instagram. Yikes! So what has Mohale done this time to upset Mzansi?

Mohale ‘innocently’ fangirled over Bonang, gushing about her beauty saying,

“I saw Bonang at the pharmacy today – Akamhle!”

Mohale Fangirls Over Bonang

Followed by another tweet where he responded to a fan saying the star may noy have been at the pharmacy to collect her meds. Check out the tweet below,
Mohale Fangirls Over Bonang
What may have been an innocent tweet by Mohale , may have also been miscontrued by Mzansi as the to-be divourcee looking for his nedxt ‘victim’. Do you think it was too soon for Mohale to be out and about gushing over other celebrities on social media or is the world simply being too harsh.
Let us know in the comment section.
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