Musa Khawula

No Tolerance For Gossip| Ukhozi FM Presenter Attacks Musa Khawula For Recording Fight

Gossip monger Musa Khawula was allegedly beaten by Ukhozi FM presenter Sabelo “Ntombeningi” Sithole last Saturday at a restaurant in Maboneng, Johannesburg.

According to Ntombeningi, he had just arrived at the restaurant and saw a couple fighting.

When he approached the scene, he noticed that Khawula was filming the incident and broadcasting it live on Instagram.

It is unclear what happened next, but some reports suggest that Ntombeningi may have taken issue with Khawula’s actions and physically assaulted him.

Ntombeningi Beats Musa Khawula At Joburg Restaurant

According to reports, Ntombeningi was angry with Musa Khawula for choosing to record the fight instead of intervening to stop it.

It is not clear whether Ntombeningi approached Khawula and asked him to stop filming before the alleged physical altercation occurred.

“Initially, I thought he’d try and stop the fight since he was in the company of some men but I was wrong. Instead, he saw content,” Ntombeningi told Daily Sun.

According to Ntombeningi, he tried to reason with the gossip monger to stop filming the fight, but his requests were ignored.

Ntombeningi then intervened in the couple’s fight and escorted them out of the restaurant.

However, Khawula allegedly followed them and continued filming, which prompted Ntombeningi to grab and break his phone before allegedly physically assaulting him.

“There was chaos and all hell broke loose as the fight continued. Eventually, I managed to separate the couple. At this point the woman was bleeding from the man’s beating. We then stepped outside the restaurant and Musa followed and continued to film us. That’s when I grabbed his phone and smashed it on the ground and I beat the hell out of him,” he said.

Ntombeningi said he does not regret beating up Musa Khawula and is willing to assault him again if he provokes him.

“I grew up in the rural areas and I’m not scared of another man. Ngaqhathwa mina (I can fight). I am not a violent person but in this instance I was provoked. So, I’m not regretting my actions. In fact, I’d beat him again if he provokes me like that,” he said.

Musa Gives His Side Of The Story

Musa denied that he was physically assaulted by Ntombeningi, saying he was only recording the incident when he noticed Ntombeningi and began filming him.

According to Khawula, Ntombeningi then took his phone and destroyed it but did not assault him.

Khawula also mentioned that he would not report the incident and would prefer to move on from it.

Musa had also been physically assaulted once before by Moshe Ndiki, a well-known actor and television host.

By jdt