Man Drops Woman HelicopterPolice Speak After A Man Drops Off A Woman With A Helicopter In Her Neighbourhood [Image: X]

The South African Police Service (SAPS) has commented after a man recently dropped off a woman with a helicopter in her neighbourhood.

The video of the incident caused a rave online as people assumed it was a man dropping his girlfriend.

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People Believed The Man Dropped Off “His Girlfriend” With A Chopper

The man took the woman into his helicopter and set off to her hood. On getting to her neighbourhood, he landed the big bird on an open, grassy area in between residential houses.

The lady opened the door, jumped off the helicopter and closed the door before running home. When she was a safe distance from the chopper, the pilot swiftly lifted it up, and she looked back to wave him goodbye. The helicopter then flew away.

Watch the video below.



Police Speak As Man Drops Off A Woman With A Helicopter In Her Neighbourhood

Man Drops Woman Helicopter
Police Speak After A Man Drops Off A Woman With A Helicopter In Her Neighbourhood [Image: SAPS/X]


The video elicited wild insinuations from people online. Most thought it was a man dropping his girlfriend at home after having a good time. The police have since spoken on the incident:

The #SAPS is aware of a video circulating of its Airborne Law Enforcement Officer being dropped off by a SAPS chopper near her home in Dawn Park. At the time of the incident, the crew had just conducted a search and rescue for a missing person as well as attending to a truck that had overturned on the N17.

“Social media users are urged to report responsibly on the matter. The member was not well at the time of the emergency drop-off. No aviation rules were transgressed.”


By Rumpel