Ngizwe Mchunu Fears for His Life After Endorsing ANC and Cyril RamaphosaNgizwe Mchunu Fears for His Life After Endorsing ANC and Cyril Ramaphosa (Image Credit: Instagram @ngizweonline)

Politician Ngizwe Mchunu Fears for His Life After Endorsing ANC and Cyril Ramaphosa

Ngizwe Mchunu, the controversial president of the AmaBhinca Nation, is facing serious safety concerns after endorsing ANC and Cyril Ramaphosa.

Ngizwe Mchunu has reportedly fled to the Eastern Cape in fear of his life.

Safety Concerns Amid Political Tensions

In the 30-second clip seen by Zimoja, Ngizwe Mchunu is seen near the N2 highway, speaking about his journey to Mthatha and expressing relief at feeling safe in the region.

Also Read:Dangerous Politics: EFF Official Arrested After Assaulting Ngizwe Mchunu

“Oh Ntabankulu. I’m going to Qumbu now and then go straight to Mthatha. I feel so much safe. Oh! welcome me comrades there in the Eastern Cape. I’m so happy. Wow! I didn’t know you loved me so much. Wow!” Mchunu says in the video, with signboards pointing to Qumbu and Mount Frere visible in the background.

Ngizwe Mchunu Fears for His Life After Endorsing ANC and Cyril Ramaphosa
Ngizwe Mchunu Fears for His Life After Endorsing ANC and Cyril Ramaphosa (Image Credit: Instagram @ngizweonline)

Controversial Endorsement of ANC and Ramaphosa

A source revealed that Ngizwe Mchunu has been feeling unsafe since his public endorsement of the ANC and President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Siyanqoba Rally at FNB Stadium last Saturday.

He made a bold statement at the FNB Stadium last week Saturday when he told people to vote for the ANC. He made enemies with most members of uMkhonto weSizwe Party when he made his support known that he was behind Ramaphosa,” the source said.

Mchunu’s endorsement was seen as a betrayal by many supporters of former President Jacob Zuma, whom Mchunu had previously supported during the July 2021 unrest, which led to his arrest and court case.

Heightened Security Measures and Future Plans

In light of the potential threats against him, a benefactor has provided funds for four bodyguards to protect Mchunu until the final election results are announced.

A good Samaritan has even paid for four bodyguards to look after Ngizwe before the final election results are released,” the source confirmed.

Mchunu is expected to return to Durban a few days after the election results are announced, according to another source.

By audrey