Therapist Tlof Tlof ClientsOlivia Bentley (Image: nypost.ccom)

Revolutionary Therapist Olivia Bentley Saves Marriages By Having Tlof Tlof With Her Clients

A therapist named Olivia Bentley has a unique approach to helping her clients save their marriages. Instead of traditional counselling, she takes a hands-on approach by having tlof tlof with them.

A Transformational Method

In an interview with Kennedy News, Olivia, originally from Boise, Idaho, claims that her unconventional methods have successfully saved many marriages, which she considers life-changing. She explains,

“I get physically involved with the majority of the people I see, I think that’s part of the appeal.”

Olivia who has 15 years of experience in the world’s oldest profession, says that some women have asked her to demonstrate tlof tlof acts to their husbands. In some cases, wives even give their husbands permission to see Olivia, a sort of “hall pass” arrangement.

Beyond Physical: Emotional Support and Relationship Advice

Olivia, claims that she earns an impressive $500,000 annually from her services, and emphasizes that her work goes beyond the physical aspect. She offers emotional support to her clients and provides advice on how to maintain a healthy tlof tlof life and, consequently, a strong marriage.

She acknowledges that people are usually nervous about her approach, so she takes care to make them feel comfortable and guides them through the experience. She adds,

“People are usually nervous so I have to do my job at making them feel very comfortable and easing them into it, I’m kind of like the guide. I’m very affectionate physically and emotionally towards the wife always. If she’s feeling very good, then the mood is elevated and we have a really good time and the husband is very grateful for the experience.”

Although Olivia lacks formal counselling qualifications, she holds a master’s degree in education and learned many of her techniques while working at Nevada’s Moonlite BunnyRanch.

By Tayana