RHOD Star Annie Ludick Shares Touching Mothers Day Tribute

Real Housewives Of Durban Star, Annie Ludick took to Instagram to share heartwarming tributes to her mother and daughters over the weekend. Check out the posts below,

Annie Ludick isn’t the only star who touched the hearts of many, but internationally renowned comedian Trevor Noah shared a thought-provoking tribute to his mother too.

In an Instagram post, he captioned a video the following,

“Whenever I’d see my mom carrying insanely heavy things on her head I’d always think two things-

One, “that’s so damn cool, I can’t even lift that with my arms.”

And two, “I feel like this is a metaphor for her journey in life”- She lived her entire life with a giant burden on her head, from her family, her society and even her country. But instead of allowing this burden to stunt her growth, she strengthened her neck, improved her balance and practiced walking tall despite that load. I can’t believe she got our family to where it is today with the obstacles she faced in life. The same way she would carry 50kg on her head while having a casual conversation, my mom carried our family every single day. Raising me, teaching me and inspiring me to grow into the best possible version of myself.

She’s proudly not perfect but always striving for perfection and for me she was the most perfect mother she could be.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom, and to all the other mothers out there carrying all that extra sh*t on their heads! ❤️

Ps: @tash_harduth, nice job trying to maintain eye contact when you were really stressed that bag was about to crush you at any moment. 😂🤣”


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