Dineo RanakaDineo Ranaka [Picture: Dineo Ranaka/Instagram]

“She Is Not Yet Well” : Actress Manaka Ranaka Shares In-Depth Update On Sister Dineo 

Generations: The Legacy actress Manaka Ranaka has provided an update regarding the condition of her sister, Dineo, expressing that she is still not yet well.

Recently, Dineo Ranaka utilized Instagram as a platform to candidly open up on her battle with anxiety.

In a heartfelt message, she bravely opened up about her struggles, revealing that she had experienced such deep despair that thoughts of ending her own life had crossed her mind.

Manaka had spoken solid words to her sister in the past hours, encouraging her to be strong.

She as well gave an update saying:

“Family is with her right now, and we are trying to get her all the help she will need moving forward,”

Despite the initial shock caused by Dineo Ranaka’s revelation, her fans remained deeply concerned about her well-being and eagerly sought updates on her current state.

Manaka took it upon herself to provide the desired update through her own Instagram account.

In her heartfelt post, Manaka shared positive developments regarding her sister’s situation. While at work, Tswyza played a beautiful and uplifting song that Manaka had specifically sent to Dineo as a source of encouragement.

Expressing her gratitude, Manaka took a moment to thank everyone who had sent kind messages from all corners of the world.

Manaka reassured everyone that Dineo was fiercely fighting to overcome her challenges and maintain her will to live. With unwavering confidence, she conveyed her belief that Dineo would triumph over this phase and emerge stronger on the other side.

On her sister’s status, Manaka said:

“This got me so emotional at work yesterday when @tswyza played this for me. @villa_s_a Thank you and Kope for this. Really means a lot that people care ”

“Sent it to @dineoranaka but she’s not yet well enough but she’s fighting very hard to stay alive, she got it. I know she’s gonna love it. A million thank yous.
I Love you guys”


By jdt