Supporters of Sizokuthola Presenter Rally Behind Him at CourtSupporters of Sizokuthola Presenter Rally Behind Him at Court (Image Credit: Daily Sun)

Supporters of “Sizokuthola” Show presenter Xolani Khumalo yesterday thronged Palm Ridge Magistrate Court to show their support and rally behind him.

Xolani Khumalo who was recently charged with the murder of a suspected drug dealer, Robert Varrie, appeared at the Palm Ridge Magistrates Court for his second court appearance.

The presenter handed himself to the police and was charged with murder after Robert Varrie died mysteriously during the filming of an episode of his show in July.

Sizokuthola presenter Xolani Khumalo’s Supporters Rally Behind Him at Court

Yesterday, Xolani Khumalo’s supporters came out in their numbers to support him when appeared at the Magistrates Court.

Sizokuthola presenter Xolani Khumalo's supporters Rally Behind Him at Court
Sizokuthola presenter Xolani Khumalo’s Supporters Rally Behind Him at Court (Image Credit: News24)

Speaking to the Daily Sun, one of the supporters emphasized Xolani Khumalo’s efforts in the fight against drugs. They vowed to support Xolani Khumalo throughout the case.

“Hands off Xolani. We’ll be supporting him throughout this case. Our children are dying because of drugs, and Xolani has been doing a great job fighting these drugs,” one of the supporters Nompumelelo said.

Also Read: From the Screen to the Stand: Sizokuthola Host Xolani Khumalo Charged With Murdering Suspected Drug Dealer

Robert Varrie’s Family Demands Justice

The family of the alleged drug dealer Varrie was also present at Xolani Khumalo’s court appearance.

Also Read: Torture Claims Rock Sizokuthola Show: Family Demands Justice and Millions in Lawsuit After Drug Dealer Dies Mysteriously

One of Varrie’s relative argued that no one is above the law and demanded justice for their brother.

We want justice for our brother. No one is above the law. Xolani was not alone on the day he allegedly murdered Robert,” she said.

Meanwhile,  the police have since completed taking statements, and the postmortem results have been submitted. The case was adjourned until 21 November 2023.

By audrey