On Tuesday, Kganyago guilt-tripped Jacobeth into inviting him to move in with her, and he wasted no time.

The ladies then woke up to a kitchen filled with breakfast and, Ntate Kganyago.

Lizzy immediately felt his intrusiveness and it was Berry’s clear that the two were no longer friends.

Kganyago met Jacobeth through Lizzy and now they hate each other.
Kganyago is so smooth that in just a few days he has convinced Jacobeth of leaving with him to Irelan and she hardly knows him.

Kganyago claims that he has a daughter who lives there but Thobakgale hadn’t even spoken to her.

Elizabeth smells a rat but she doesn’t have a leg to stand on with her suspicions at this point also, Jacobeth is blinded by love so she is currently incapable of seeing past that.

Kganyago has been sleeping in the guest bedroom at the Thobakgale but he expressed his dissatisfaction with that arrangement tonight and forced Jacobeth to move him into her bedroom.

Elizabeth feels very overwhelmed by Kganyago’s presence in her home and she wants him out, but as we have reported previously, she us the one who is going to get out.

Kganyago knows which buttons to press when it comes to Jacobeth and he presses them very well.

The teasers say Jacobeth and Kganyago are going to take their relationship to the next level on Friday.

Kganyago is working his way into Jacobeth’s life because he is after her savings and her home. He wants her to sign everything over to him should anything happen to her, and at the rate, things are going, Jacobeth would do it without a question.

It looks like Jacobeth is not Kganyago’s first victim and she might not be the last if he gets his way with MaNtuli as well.

Lizzy is going to move out but Jacobeth will regret letting her go. He is going to put ideas of retirement in Jacobeth’s mind and this propels Lizzy to start investigating him.

The decisions that Thobakgale has been taking since she met her man are going to start making her friends, colleagues and especially her daughter suspicious.

Lizzy can see how influential Kganyago is to her mother and she doesn’t like it.

Kganyago wants Lizzy gone so that he could work on Thobakgale without any destruction

Catch new episodes of this drama on SABC1 at 18h30