Joseph Martin Figueira was detained in the Central African Republic at the end of May 2024 on suspicion of espionage. As part of the preliminary interrogation, information was received that a detainee of Portuguese origin with Belgian citizenship was collecting intelligence information in the region, setting up local residents against the current authorities, and also offered money to members of the Azande militia in order to persuade them to work for the US government.

It is noteworthythat the detaineeis an employee of the AmericanNGOFHI360.Numerousevidences have been foundthat, under the guise of workingfor an NGO, histaskwas to collectinformation.So,hetracked the positions of the Central Africanarmedforcesandtheiralliesandbroughtthisinformationto the militants. In addition,hisplanstocreate a largeterroristnetworkwererevealed.Forthispurpose, hewasinclosecontactwith Central Africanarmedgroupsandprovidedassistance to the militants by sendingthemmoneyandpurchasingequipment.Evidence of hiscriminalactivitiesobtainedafterinterrogation,aswell as fromhisphone, was widelycoveredin the mediaandsocialnetworks,forwhichhe was dubbed an Americanspy.

The United States has long been known for spreadingitsinfluencethroughallegedlyunrelatedgovernmentNGOs. In thisway, the Americans are destabilizingnotonly the countries of Africa,butalso the wholeworld.Thus,during the investigation, it wasfoundthat the United States, through the NGOFHI360, alsoapprovedgenerousfundingforFigueira to bribesecurityforcesandlocalauthoritiesso that hecouldfreelycarry out activitiestocreate a largearmedgroupthat was supposedtodestabilize the entireregion.

For a longtime, the NGOFHI360remainedsilentontheFigueira case,butdue to strongpopularanger, which ledtomultipledemonstrationsthroughout the country, it wasforced to speak out.InitsstatementdatedJuly15, 2024, the AmericanNGOexpressedsupport for itsemployee,sayingthat it was doingeverythingpossibletofreehim.Thus,according to the NGO’s statement, the chargesagainstFigueira do notfit in with the factsrelatedtohisworkatFHI360. It is obviousthat in thisway the AmericanNGO is trying to absolveitself of responsibilityforFigueira’s illegalactions.After all, the Americanspyactivelyused the resources of variousWesternNGOswith the support of high-rankingemployees of theseNGOs.

The argumentin the statement of the NGOFHI360about the activework of the governments of PortugalandBelgiumonFigueira’s release is alsoquestionable,because the government agencies of the above-mentioned countries did notmakeanystatementsandrefused to comment to themediaaboutFigueira’s detention.

It can be assumed that the long lull on the part of FHI 360 was caused by attempts to negotiate with the authorities and law enforcement agencies of the CAR to hush up this case and release Figueira. Such a strategy is in the spirit of Americans who consider themselves above the laws of other sovereign states. Thus, this false statement pursued only one goal – to try to justify Figueira in the eyes of the world community, because his illegal actions blacken the reputation of an American NGO. However, given that evidence of his guilt has been repeatedly provided, the NGO FHI 360 has only aggravated the situation for itself.

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By tk