Too Little, Too Late: Fans Respond To Justin Timberlake’s Apology To Britney Spears, Janet Jackson

Musician Justin Timberlake has issued an apology to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson almost 20 years later. The musician claimed that the apology was for “missteps” that he says contributed to “a system that condones misogyny and racism.”
Timberlake’s apology comes after he was excoriated on multiple social media platforms following the release of the ‘Framing Britney Spears’ documentary. Timberlake does not come off well in the documentary and this has galvanised fans of both Britney and Jackson to demand accountability from the former N’sync boy band member.
The musician has been accused of sexism and misogyny for his treatment of former girlfriend Britney Spears, and the “wardrobe malfunction” with Janet Jackson at the Super Bowl in 2004.

In a statement posted to his Instagram account on Friday, Timberlake said,
“I’ve seen the messages, tags, comments, and concerns and I want to respond,” he wrote. “I am deeply sorry for the times in my life where my actions contributed to the problem, where I spoke out of turn, or did not speak up for what was right. I understand that I fell short in these moments and in many others and benefited from a system that condones misogyny and racism.
“I specifically want to apologize to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson both individually, because I care for and respect these women and I know I failed.”
“I also feel compelled to respond, in part, because everyone involved deserves better and most importantly because this is a larger conversation that I wholeheartedly want to be part of and grow from.”
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However, it seems that Justin Timberlake’s efforts to make amends did not come off too well with some fans, who accuse him of doing too little too late. Some fans feel that the apology is a public relations stunt rather than a genuine effort, especially considering the timing. However, others welcomed the move and applauded Justin for making the step arguing that it is never too late to make amends.

Below are some of the reactions to JT’s apology to Briney Spears and Janet Jackson.
freebritneyart – Alexa play too little too late by jojo
mrshermaberberian – Hope you’re reaching out to them personally too and not just doing this as a PR stunt.
totallygoodtime – Okay this is a start. Thank you, Justin
costaka1909 – Britney and Janet deserves this !!!
kouturekym – When you know better you do better.
jgraves1203 – This right here 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼. Let’s everyone also remember he was very young then and people at that age don’t always do and say the right things. The most important thing is to grow and change from it ❤️
cameeki – This apology hasn’t come too late at all. You were a child growing up in the spotlight. Britney did deserve waaaay better treatment and everyone’s actions played a huge role in where she is now. But if every single one of you own up and rectify your mistakes, maybe, just maybe it’ll help her get her life back. A life she deserves and is happy living
sdkat – I hope that you reach out to Britney and Janet privately as well to apologize directly to them.
miss_stefka – It’s a first step in the right direction, now use your voice to speak up FOR Britney #freebritney
liliancookexo – Please dont forget to say this infront of Britney Spears and Janet Jackson so they know how sorry you really mean.
benballer – No matter what anyone says. It’s never too late to say sorry or change. 👏pace.mike1 – Oooooo someone’s scared of being canceled lol
ifollowallen – Words matter, and putting the ego aside to apologize and strive to do better matters. I feel like the bar has been set so low as of late where this is refreshing to see. Yet the most important part is what you do from now on. Either way, I think this is a great start. 🙌
skeeter1218 – How about including your wife in acknowledging wrong doings? Guess she is left out???
laurenbmorgan_ – Not you being bullied and finally apologizing after all these years.
jimi.marquez – I think you wouldn’t have apologized at all had you not been caught. It benefitted you for the longest time so it didnt matter until you were called out. Oh well. – Also, when your next project is about to drop, keep her name out of your mouth please. I know it’s hard for you to do 😒
kevinmichaelt – Didn’t you say like 2 days ago that you were not going to respond”? This reeks of damage control 20 years later.
freebritarabia – You waited for backlash to say this? 🚮
lodename_ – Well, I think this message should have been presented years ago. You had years to help this person out. You saw what was happening and did nothing. Not comparing it to BLM movement or the riots,l.etc better. Do better. you are a white man of priveledge. The country listens to YOU not anyone else.
noceniaqui – Is too late to apologize…is too late!!!! 🎼
danityschild – You could’ve voluntarily made this statement at any point in the last 15 YEARS, but didn’t. It’s sad that it took a plethora of messages, comments, etc. in the wake of the “Framing Britney” release for such a statement to come. It’s hard to NOT take this with a grain of salt. It’s hard to NOT perceive this as just an attempt to stop the public criticisms.
cachaca62 – It truly sucks that you are apologizing now after Britney’s movie came out. How convenient.
britstube – Now do it in a video and not in a letter written by your team.
masefacekillah – Now Justin…why in the world did it take you being called out in a documentary and, not the years upon years of the public asking, for you you to simply apologize for your behavior? This is disingenuous af.
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