Babes Wodumo

“White Guy Not Yellow Bone” | Mr. Smeg Sets Social Media Ablaze With Proposal To Babes Wodumo For A Lunch Date

Mr. Smeg has set social media ablaze after he conveyed his admiration for Babes Wodumo’s beauty and suggested a lunch date.

Babes Wodumo has endured a difficult period since the passing of her husband, Mampintsha, with several of his family members causing her additional distress.
Despite her grief, Babes Wodumo maintained a silent demeanor as she mourned the loss of her husband.
However, a few days ago, she shared her feelings and experiences since Mampintsha’s passing.
Babes disclosed that she feels lonely and expressed her desire to date a white boyfriend, as she believes they tend to be less chatty.
Mr. Smeg, who is not white, utilized social media to express his admiration for Babes Wodumo’s beauty and suggested they go on a lunch date.

Hey Babes Wodumo, You hold the secrets of beauty in this world .Your beauty never stops glowing.

Your smile is life 🤎.Just like a flower, your beauty resonates to the morning sun. You are beautiful 🌺.

May I take you out for lunch ?

Mr. Smeg has garnered a significant following on Twitter following his date with Pearl Thusi, and he has now expressed his interest in Babes Wodumo through a tweet where he praised her beauty and smooth skin, and proposed a lunch date.

Babes’ recent viral video appears to have inspired his proposal.

In another post, Mr. Smeg wrote:

Hey babes Wodumo, there aren’t enough words to describe you adequately. You never lack elegance or beauty. Your skin is flawless and lovely. The magnificent personification of excellence that is you serves as the embodiment of perfection. May I take you out for lunch? he wrote.

She’s still a widow in mourning. Never take “makhume”for granted. It’s just a reminder
She’s now a target, ayeye, this guy will finish all the cream in mzanzi yazi
She said she want to date white guy (mlungu) not yellow bone my brother

By jdt