Woman Who Exposed Dr Matthew Lani In 2021 Speaks Out
In another twist in the fake TikTok medical doctor saga, it has been revealed that the fraudulent “Dr.” Matthew Lani was exposed as far back as 2021, yet the North West Health Department failed to take any action.
Bonolo Gomolemo Seleke, the whistleblower who exposed Lani as a phony doctor, resigned out of frustration due to the health department’s inaction.
Also Read: “He Was A Special Kid”: Dr Matthew Lani Has No Matric, Gauteng Department of Education Confirms
Working Together at Christiana Hospital

According to Seleke, she and Lani worked together at Christiana Hospital in North West. He claimed to be completing his practical training there, while she worked as a patient tracer and health awareness mobilizer. However, Seleke became suspicious of Lani’s qualifications.
In a Facebook post in January 2021, Seleke alleged that Lani had been providing incorrect HIV/AIDS education to young girls in the Christiana community. In response, Lani filed a protection order against Seleke, accusing her of harassment.
Court documents shared by Seleke revealed that a protection order was granted by the Christiana Magistrate’s Court on 31 March 2021. Seleke was unable to attend court due to COVID-19 regulations, leading to Lani’s victory. Despite submitting a valid doctor’s note later, Lani failed to attend the subsequent court hearing, and the case was dismissed.
“I was a contact of a person infected with Corona and couldn’t attend court and they ruled in his favor but ba ba busa [he was forced to come back to] court after I submitted my doctor’s note, original and qualified doctor’s note for that matter. Then ke ene abasa tlhole a attend [Then he didn’t attend]. Ebe tshololwa [The case was thrown out]” she said.
Woman Who Exposed Dr Matthew Lani Reveals Why She Resigned
Seleke clarified that she didn’t lose her job but chose to resign because the department didn’t support her in the case against Lani.
“I did not lose my job, I quit after the department failed to support me through my case with Dr Lani though I uplifted their image and protected their dignity,” she added.
As of the time of publishing, the Christiana Magistrate’s Court had not responded to inquiries from The South African.
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Bogus Doctor Unmasked
Lani, who posed as a 24-year-old doctor on social media and amassed nearly 300,000 followers on TikTok, allegedly stole the identity of Dr. Sanele Zingelwa, a second-year medical intern at Tembisa Provincial Tertiary Hospital. Dr Zingelwa has filed a case against him.
On October 9th, the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and the Gauteng Health Department confirmed that Lani was not a registered doctor at Helen Joseph Hospital, contrary to his claims on social media. Additionally, Wits University, where he alleged to have graduated, denied his graduation from their institution.
Furthermore, the Gauteng Department of Education disclosed that Lani does not have a matric certificate and had previously attended a school for pupils with special needs.