Zenande Mfenyana SonZenande Mfenyana (Image: BONA)

Mystery Surrounds Zenande Mfenyana ‘s Cryptic Social Media Posts: Who is the Enigmatic ‘Son’ She’s Mentioning?

Popular actress Zenande Mfenyana recently left social media users both concerned and puzzled with her cryptic posts about death and a mysterious reference to a son.

Zenande, known for her roles in popular soap operas like Generations and The Queen, shared these perplexing messages on her X account on Sunday.

A Mysterious Mention of a Son

To provide context, publicly available information indicates that Zenande has a daughter born in 2020. Therefore, her mention of a son left many scratching their heads, uncertain about whom she was talking about.

While Zenande didn’t provide specific details or clarify the intent behind her posts, she expressed her deep emotions and questions about death. In one post, she wrote,

““In the honour of my son” 🥹💔 I have so many questions Lord, coz this really hurts 🕊️” 

Contemplating the Finality of Death

In a subsequent post, Zenande pondered why death had to be so final. She wished that God would allow the living to somehow communicate with their departed loved ones similar to how hearing from long-lost friends brings comfort.

“Why does death have to be so drastic? I barely see my friends, but when I/they call, it soothes all my aches…I wish God would at least allow us to hear our passed, loved ones voices, hhini Bawo 🙏🏽,” Zanande Mfenyana wrote in a heartbreaking post.

Reactions from X Users

In response, compassionate X users offered their condolences and words of support. However, there were also some who accused her of seeking attention with deliberately confusing posts. Here are some of the comments:


May God give you strength in these tough times ❤️🙏


May God give you the grace to pass through, to understand and peace that surpasses all understanding. It’s never easy,may Abba Father carry you. ❤️


I recently experienced loss, learning through it the deeper meaning of life. The voice of your baby will be a whisper. @Zenande_Mcfen always keep your face toward the sun, let love lead you🤍💔& not leave you. Happiness I crave for the pain to end.


The quotation marks makes me think maybe she’s not talking about her child…so confused. Whatever the story is , sorry for the hurts. Love and light ❤️


She wants interactions and to do numbers for the Elon Musk money


The loss of a child is one of the worst pains a mother can endure 🥺
My condolences to you and your family

By Tayana