Generations’ Lucy Diale Makes A Come Back On Set After Maternity Leave

Generations' Lucy Diale Makes A Come Back On Set After Maternity Leave
Manaka Ranaka….. Generations’ Lucy Diale Makes A Come Back On Set After Maternity Leave

Generations: The Legacy’s outspoken legendary actress, Lucy Diale – real name Manaka Ranaka is back again on set for Season 7 shooting after a 3 months long maternity leave she took last November.

Speaking on her leave last November, Generations’ publicity manager, Nandipha Pantsi, had said the actress was going to be dissappearing from the show for the next four months.

This means Lucy is only back for shooting, but we will start seeing her on screens the coming month.

The star gave birth to a baby boy on the 15th of December last year.

iHarare recently revealed that her baby daddy’s name is Ntuthuko Mdletshe, and the two’s relationship hasn’t been a normal one.

Lucy had managed to hide him away from the public for long.

But internet detectives finally unmasked the mystery man – together with their little secret.

She and Ntuthuko were best buddies before they started dating. And what got many’s attention is that Ntuthuko’s girlfriend at that time was her close friend too.

Netizens were shocked to discover that veteran actress turned tables and ‘hit her friend with a brick’.

She took him away from her friend, the rumour said.

Speaking about her comeback on set, Manaka said she longed for the day to be back on the show but at the same time hadn’t gotten used to spending more time away from her son.

“It feels great being back at work but I don’t spend a minute without missing my little one.

Not being with him has left a bitter taste,” Manaka told Daily Sun.

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