Bongani Fassie I Blew ItBongani Fassie (Image Credit: Twitter @PhilMphela)

I Blew It: Brenda Fassie’s Son Bongani Opens Up on How He Squandered R25 Million on Booze, Bling, and Luxury

Bongani Fassie, the son of the late legendary South African singer Brenda Fassie, shocked viewers on the popular TV show “I Blew It” as he revealed the extravagant spending habits that led to him squandering close to 25 million Rands.
The revelations left netizens astounded, expressing their disbelief at how he could tarnish the legacy his mother had built.
According to Bongani Fassie, he would blow over R150,000 daily on alcohol and substances, painting a grim picture of his excessive lifestyle.
Brenda Fassie's Son Bongani Opens Up on How He Squandered R25 Million on Booze, Bling, and Luxury
Brenda Fassie’s Son Bongani Opens Up on How He Squandered R25 Million on Booze, Bling, and Luxury (Image Credit: Twitter @DR_CEO_
On brighter days, he would splurge R70,000 on shoes alone, catering to the desires of his baby mama. Expensive luxury vehicles like the Hammer were not off-limits, and he would also spend nearly 70,000 Rands on luxurious accommodations in hotels and apartments. The list of extravagant purchases seemed endless.

Reflecting on his reckless spending spree, Bongani Fassie expressed regret and vowed never to repeat such financial irresponsibility if given another chance.

Watch a snippet from the  I Blew It show;


News of Bongani Fassie’s extravagant lifestyle quickly spread, leading to a wave of shocked reactions from netizens. Many lamented the fact that he failed to appreciate the remarkable legacy his mother had left behind, which had inspired countless fans across South Africa.

The magnitude of his financial downfall had Mzansi opining that this was the biggest “I Blew It” episode ever aired, emphasizing the scale of his wastefulness.

Check out some of the reactions;


Only if he understood what sort of legacy his mother left and for him to tarnish it…Sad


This will be the biggest I blew it episode ever


Bongani Fassie blew it again?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣kanti how many lives does he have? 😳😳😳 #iblewit


Hayi wena! All this time, I thought Chico Thwala robbed him of his mother’s dividends. Kanti! A whole 25 million?! Nkosi yam. 🙆‍♀️

By audrey