Driver Dead Fuel PumpMotorist Shoots Fellow Driver Dead Over Who Got To A Fuel Pump First [Image: @Abramjee/X]

A motorist is in trouble after shooting dead a fellow driver after a fight over who arrived at a fuel pump first.


Motorist Shoots Driver Over Who Got First At A Fuel Pump

The two motorists approached Engen fuel station in Mfuleni, about 32 kilometres from central Cape Town in the Western Cape. They all seemed like they were in a rush to get served and hit the road.

However, as one of the motorists was about to drive onto the fuel pump to fill up his car, another driver tried to stop him. He argued that he was the one to get to the fuel station first and should, therefore, fill up first. The other motorist did not agree to this, and a fight ensued.

As they disputed over who got to the fuel pump first, one of the motorists whipped out a pistol and shot the driver. The other motorist died on the spot.

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“Not Worth It”


Driver Dead Fuel Pump
Motorist Shoots Fellow Driver Dead Over Who Got To A Fuel Pump First [Image: Stock]


South Africans on social media expressed mixed sentiments about the fatal incident in Mfuleni. Check out some of the comments below.


“People with guns feel disrespected by anything and everything.”

Poverty Killer:

“If you are reading this right now, please take an L if you have to. When you see that it’s not worth it, take the L and avoid fights. It’s not safe. Don’t forget to vote out ANC, ow and don’t vote EFF. They are criminals also.”


“People are stressed out there. Exercise caution and try not to escalate situations.”


“One is dead, and the other life is ruined. Sad indeed.”


“Y’all stop picking fights with anything that breaths !! Life is no longer the same as we know it !! People are just angry.”


“He chose 25 years in Jail and left his family instead of waiting for 3 minutes to see his family again and again..very smart indeed.”

Bra Africa:

“The other day at a garage, I was waiting for someone to leave, only for another person to jump in. I just said to myself, not worth it; let it go. As I mature, I am beginning to pick my battles 😌”

By Rumpel