Simphiwe Dana Gets A Taste Of Her Own Medicine

Popular actress and Xhosa songstress Simphiwe Dana took to Twitter to voice her concerns about the impact of covid-19 which has left many destitute. In a tweet, Dana complained about the reopening of schools which went on without cost adjustments even though scores of people across the country were either retrenched or experienced salary cuts.

“@simphiwedana South Africa is so anti poor guys. People are losing houses and cars during a pandemic. Schools want their full fees even though they know we’re not working. Government has no plan. It’s heartbreaking really”

In an unexpected turn of events, tweeps attacked the singer who recently came out as a lesbian and accused her of being disingenuous. Not only was the Joko Ya Hao actress accused of appropriating struggles that do not affect her directly to appear woke, but Simphiwe was also dragged for filth by the streets as tweeps brought out receipts of her recent jab at a tweep for being unemployed.

“@witchbail This person who was making fun of someone for being broke the other day? Smh. Well off celebs trying to use vaguely revolutionary aesthetics to worm their way into progressive spaces for clout are outchea hey”

“@lulzin_ On the 1st of February you used unemployment as a clapback. That was 2 weeks ago and you still haven’t apologized.”

Reality tv star and Idols judge Somizi Mhlongo whose marriage is apparently falling apart is the leader of the poverty clap-back squad and was recently put in his place when a tweep told him his riches failed to buy his lover’s affection.

“@somizi Replying to @NdwandweP28 i was gonna answer that if the answer was gonna improve yo tekateking bank balance”

“@dumisane_ Somizi calls tweeps broke all the time but can’t buy Mohales love with all that money”


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