The third season of the show is unfortunately the last in the franchise. The third season focuses on the story of Naledi and Qhawe. Naledi is a royal princess who is about to cross all of her family boundaries and wishes for love.

The show didn’t waste anytime getting into the drama, and it is all playing out on social media.

The viewers are already getting into a debate about the new Mqheke Zulu who is now played by the talented Wiseman Mncube.

Some viewers have expressed serious concern about the lack of chemistry between him and Hlomu.

The exit of Bonko Khoza from the show has made many of the show’s fans very nervous and that is the problem.

Wiseman Mncube is a great actor as we all know, but Bonko Khoza brought the character to life from the beginning and the viewers connected with him.

The love story about Hlomu and Mqhele is the main attraction for the fans, plus Mqhele has bought Mahlomu a new restaurant

The new episodes were uploaded on Thursday morning and have been trending since 5 am.

The first plot of the story has kicked off with Qhawe’s love interest Naledi played by Gaisang Noge going missing.
The Zulu brothers have to help their brother find the girl.

Scenes from The Wife
Scenes from The Wife. Image: Instagram

The new story has brought with it a group of new cast members. Sello Motloung will play Kgosi the difficult father of Naledi. Stoan Seate from Bongo Maffin plays the impressionable Sefako who is fighting for Naledi’s affection with Qhawe.

Lungelo Mpangase comes in as Sambulo’s snipper girlfriend Xoli and No Setute plays Naledi’s gorgeous sister Tshidi.

Season 3 has been a subject of discussion and became the most anticipated of the lot because of the drama that surrounded the production after news broke out that many of the original cast members were leaving the show.

Abdul Khoza’s absence has been noted heavily by the fans.

The drama surrounding the casting of Naledi created a storm earlier in the year. Naledi is supposed to be a plus-size woman and when the role went to Gaisang, it caused an uproar. According to the book, Naledi is struggling with her body and that’s a very important plot point in the book.

The first three episodes have been met with mixed reviews but the show must go on.

The next episodes will load on the streaming service on Thursday next week at 5 am.