Three Shows That Don Mlangeni Joined After Isidingo

Veteran actor, Don Mlageni who is popularly known as Bra Zeb Matabane on Isidingo has been one of the busiest actors after SABC 3 canned Isidingo a few years ago. 

We first saw Mlangeni briefly join the cast of The River where he played the role of Thato Mokoena and recently saw him on The River when Tumi Mokoena dreamt of him. 

Though Mlangeni’s character was killed in the first season by Lindiwe Dikana, played by Sindi Dlathu, he was cast by the same production company Tshedza Pictures on Mnet’s The Legacy. He plays John, the butler on the show! 

Now the veteran actor who helped make SABC3 a storytelling channel is returning as Shadrack Mokobane on The Estate.

A thrilled Mlangeni was recently interviewed about his recent role which is sure to cause chaos and drama on the upcoming SABC 3 novella, The Estate stated:

“Honestly I feel no pressure. I am looking forward to give our audiences authentic stories they can relate to with ease and genuine responses to issues in a typical South African way..

I was fascinated about how the character navigates his objectives and the roller-coaster rides he goes through to put his points across. There is nothing exciting as fighting for the rights of your community and doing it diligently. Shadrack is provided with the opportunity to speak truth to power without compromise.”

His character is an activist like the many politicians during apartheid. His priority as was his previous role on The River is serving the community.

The family man he plays like his role of John on The Legacy wants to defend the land that belongs to the people…he wants the people to own the land which belongs to their ancestors.

When asked to give a brief description of the new show, Mlangeni said:

The Estate reflects truthfulness in its approach to issues affecting our society today, especially the exploitation of the poor by the rich and politicians. I feel it is the obligation of every production house to ensure the working environment is conducive to the employees. We are working very well and harmoniously on set. The working relationship with fellow employees is wonderful.”

Watch Don Mlangeni as Shadrack Mokobane on The Estate on SABC 3 from April!


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