Nzuzo Njilo appears in courtNzuzo Njilo and co-accused-Image Source(Instagram)

Watch: Faith Nketsi’s Husband Nzuzo Njilo Appears In Court Facing Fraud Allegations

Nzuzo Njilo and Kwanda Ntshangase appeared in court facing charges of fraud after they allegedly defrauded a businessman of a substantial amount of money. The Port Sheptone Magistrates Court issued a warrant of arrest for Njilo, who subsequently handed himself over to the authorities, and Ntshangase, who followed suit on April 20, 2023.

According to police reports, the duo disguised themselves as salesmen of a truck and convinced an unsuspecting buyer to pay a substantial amount of money. However, the truck was never delivered, and Njilo and Ntshangase disappeared. The police discovered that certain information on the sale agreement was fraudulent, leading to the criminal case being opened.

Also Read: Here Is How Faith Nketsi’s Husband Nzuzo Njilo Allegedly Scammed His Victims

Nzuzo Njilo and co-accused
Nzuzo Njilo and co-accused-Image Source@Instagram

The Njilos vacate their Hyde Park mansion after it was sold

The Njilos reportedly vacated their Hyde Park mansion after it was sold over a month ago. The property had been listed on Property24 for sale since last year, and it is unclear if the sale is related to the warrant of arrest issued for Njilo.

Read More: Faith Nketsi’s Husband Nzuzo Njilo To Hand Himself Over To The Police

Alleged scammed victims come forward

More alleged scammed victims have come forward following Njilo’s arrest. Mala Gwarube and Melfred Dube spoke to Zimoja Lezinto about their experiences with Njilo’s business partner. Gwarube claims she was scammed of her brand-new Renault horse and trailer truck in 2020 after signing a contract with Luntu of Maxbu Projects. The agreement was for her to lease her truck to his company for R90,000 per month, but she was never paid a cent.

It remains to be seen what the outcome of the court case will be and if more victims will come forward.

By Letho