The time for Khwezi to leave has come. Last night, the temperature hit the boiling point on Skeem Saam between Lehasa’s Isithembu.
Pretty suddenly walked into Khwezi’s room and packed her bags for her. Khwezi decided to fight fire with fire, and a huge fight ensued.
Lehasa had to intervene. Otherwise, someone was about to go to jail between these two. This triggers Skeem Saam viewers because if it comes to that, then Pretty will be the one who ends up behind bars for assaulting a pregnant woman.
Khwezi knows this, and many feel that she is deliberately getting into physical fights with Pretty to get her in trouble with the law and Lehasa.
Last week Khwezi slept with Pretty, and it took all of Pretty’s strength not to take her down there and then.
Lehasa finds himself in the middle of a time bomb every day, which is why he has to let one of the women get out, but he is not.
He seems to find every reason to keep the two of them in his house, and to top it all now; he might be bringing a third into this mess, Nothile.

The whole thing is starting to feel very disturbing.
“What exactly is Lehasa trying to do here?” Asked one viewer
Khwezi confronted him about Nothile, and he just said that Nothile is the reason he is free.
So what does this mean now? Is he losing interest in Pretty as well?
We know that Khwezi will leave the house at the end, and tonight, Lehasa has a massive surprise for her.
According to the teasers, she will leave on Wednesday and make Pretty happy.
Khwezi has played the pregnancy card for too long, and Lehasa has had it.
Last week he called Khwezi’s Malume to make some arrangements; Pretty also made a call pretending to be Khwezi and asked for Nokuthula to come to Johannesburg; that’s how the first fight broke out between the two, and Khwezi ended up slapping Pretty with a hot one.
She tried that last night, and Pretty was more prepared this time.
Lehasa told Khwezi not to call him “Myeni wami”, meaning My husband.
Watch the video of the fight below: