In a profoundly moving and heartbreaking video Zoleka Mandela shared her last moments on YouTube a few months before her tragic death.

Zoleka Mandela’s Heartbreaking Last YouTube Video

In the video, Zoleka, the granddaughter of the late former President Nelson Mandela and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, emotionally breaks down as she candidly discusses her excruciating pain following radiation treatment, which had led to her hospitalization.

Zoleka Mandela heartbreaking last YouTube Video
Zoleka Mandela’s heartbreaking last YouTube Video (Screen from video: video credit/ Zoleka Mandela)

She tearfully expressed the anguish of missing her daughter’s special Mother’s Day celebration at school, saying,

Missing this moment for her breaks my heart. It is not fair to my baby…”

Watch the video down below;

Zoleka Mandela’s Brave Battle with Cancer Ends in Tragedy

Zoleka Mandela’s life was marked by her unwavering fight against cancer. Diagnosed with breast cancer at the young age of 32, she underwent treatment and experienced periods of remission. However, the relentless illness resurfaced, taking a severe toll on her health.

On the evening of Monday, 25 September, Zoleka passed away, surrounded by loved ones. Her battle with cancer had progressed to metastasis, affecting her hip, liver, lung, pelvis, brain, and spinal cord. Recent scans revealed the distressing development of fibrosis in her lungs and several emboli.

In an official statement, her family expressed their gratitude to the medical team who had been caring for her during her prolonged battle.

Remembering a Courageous Advocate

Zoleka Mandela was not only known for her familial ties to one of the world’s most iconic leaders but also for her courageous advocacy. She dedicated herself to raising awareness about cancer prevention and worked tirelessly to dismantle the stigma associated with the disease.

Also Read: Farewell to Zoleka Mandela: Fearless Fight Against Cancer

Her autobiography, “When Hope Whispers, ” documented her life and struggles,” offering inspiration to countless others facing similar battles. Zoleka’s journey included not only her fight against cancer but also her battles with depression and her disclosure of being sexually abused as a child.

Additionally, she became an outspoken campaigner for road safety after tragically losing her 13-year-old daughter in a car accident in 2010. Her activism on this front aimed to prevent further tragedies on the road.

By audrey