Jojo leaves Real Housewives of Durban-Image Source(Instagram)Jojo leaves Real Housewives of Durban-Image Source(Instagram)

Jojo Quits Real Housewives Of Durban, Throws A Tantrum and Breaks Off Friendship With Nonku Williams

During a get-together, Jojo got into a heated argument with Sane, which escalated when Jojo threw a glass and stormed out, leaving her guests behind. This led to a dramatic exchange between the housewives, setting the tone for the upcoming season of “The Real Housewives of Durban.”

Jojo leaves Real Housewives of Durban-Image Source(Instagram)
Jojo leaves Real Housewives of Durban-Image Source(Instagram)

Ruan suddenly started crying, prompting Maria to comfort Jojo and warn Sane to leave. Jojo misinterpreted Annie’s comments about her drinking and exhibited childish behaviour. When Annie refused to be manipulated, Jojo threw a glass filled with water that shattered on Nonku’s face.

Jojo storms off the Real Housewives of Durban set and friendship with Nonku Williams.

Jojo was so overwhelmed that she called her husband for help and later left for Seychelles on a family vacation. Nonku disabled her Instagram comments and was reminded that Jojo was not her friend.

At a dinner, Sane tried to apologize for her comments about Annie but instead blamed Jojo and got angry with Nonku for questioning her. Maria left Nonku alone on a trip she had invited her to.

Cast of Real Housewives of Durban-Image Source(Instagram)
Cast of Real Housewives of Durban-Image Source(Instagram)

Viewers are eagerly anticipating the upcoming reunion, where all the secrets will be revealed. It promises to be an explosive season finale. Many have taken to social media to wonder what will happen to Nonku Williams when she realizes that Anne did not say the room smells like alcohol.

On the other hand, some viewers think that Jojo was being dramatic and a hypocrite, as she has done worse in other seasons of the show.

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By Letho