Babes Wodumo -Image Source(Instagram)Babes Wodumo -Image Source(Instagram)

Revealed! Babes Wodumo Is Drowning In Mampintsha’s Debt

It never rains but pours for Babes Wodumo as the problems her late husband left her with never seem to end. The singer has been dealing with Mampintsha’s death and all the other troubles he left her with including a lot of mistresses.

Babes Wodumo has had a tough time since her husband, Mampintsha, passed away. It is believed that Mampintsha left behind a large amount of debt that Babes has to deal with. This was revealed by someone close to her.

Another source mentioned that Mampintsha was the one responsible for managing the finances of the business and the household. This means that Babes now has to take care of everything on her own. This has led to her being in serious debt.

Mampintsha left his wife Babes Wodumo in debt

Babes Wodumo -Image Source(Instagram)
Babes Wodumo -Image Source(Instagram)

Babes Wodumo has had Mampintsha managing her career and finances ever since she was single and they were just dating. This has caused a lot of fights between the two on their reality show as Babes always complained of how Mampintsha was spending their money with his side chicks.

Someone close to the family has revealed that Babes Wodumo is currently dealing with a lot of debt that her husband left as a result of his overspending.

“He has left her in a lot of debt. Luckily, they own the house, but the debt has accumulated,” he says.

“He was managing all the finances of the business and household,” another source tells the publication

“These people met when Babes was very young, he has always been guiding her and taking care of the money. But she now has to manage everything on her own. She is in serious debt.”

To help her, her family has moved into her home. This is so she can save money as she is now the provider for the family. However, Babes Wodumo’s sister has dismissed these reports.

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By Letho